The Global TETRA Terminal team is pleased to announce the ship acceptance of the first TETRA Commercial & Enterprise Portable CEP400 380-430 MHz.
Product Concept
• ”Value for Money” TETRA portable for PRICE SENSITIVE markets.
• Complements Dimetra IP Compact and Dimetra IP Micro offers.
• Voice centric terminal with essential data services such as Short Data Services and Location Services. No encryption; nevertheless,authentication services supported.
Product Foundations
• Reliability & Robustness
• Audio Quality
• Easy of Use
Customer Profile
• Existing analogue trunking users with need to upgrade to digital.
• Limited budgets, moderate requirements.
• Commercial, manufacturing, transport, Utilities, Municipalities, etc.
• Full range – All accessories of MTP850 can be used with CEP400.
IOP Certificates
In accordance with established rules for the submission of TETRA products for TETRA interoperability testing (IOP), Motorola only submits final, production ready / shipping products for formal IOP testing. As part of its commitment to its customers and to the TETRA Association IOP process, Motorola is committed to obtain formal IOP certification for this terminal on Motorola and other TETRA networks at the earliest possible opportunity.
Within the formal IOP process, Motorola will work with infrastructure vendors, ISCOM (the independent test authority) and the wider IOP community to agree the timing of future IOP sessions, and if necessary and in accordance with TETRA Association IOP procedures, make a formal request to manufacturers to host IOP sessions at the earliest possible opportunity.
Radio Firmware
CEP400 supports ONLY CLEAR firmware; neither Air Interface Encryption (TEA1, TEA2, and TEA3) nor End to End Encryption is supported.
Software Enablement Kit
Orderable features are available via an appropriate software enablement kit which consists of a dongle GM0127 with the appropriate number of purchased licenses for one or more features. Each license activates only ONE matching feature per portable at the same time as the TETRA portable is provisioned.
The list of orderable features is
Product Details
The MR5.9.11 software release can be installed ONLY on the new hardware for CEP400 380-430 MHz (see new sales model above).
This NEW terminal CEP400 is available ONLY with CLEAR firmware; no encryption is supported (neither Air Interface Encryption nor End to End Encryption).
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tetra MR5.9.11 Software Release CPS R6C.563.01
Tetra Radio