Tuesday, September 29, 2009

MotoTRBO Portable DP3400 DP3401 DP3600 DP3601 Basic Service Manual

Transceiver Performance Testing

These radios meet published specifications through their manufacturing process by utilizing highaccuracy laboratory-quality test equipment. The recommended field service equipment approches the accuracy of the manufacturing equipment with few exceptions. This accuracy mut be maintained in compliance with the manufacturer’s recommended calibration schedule. Although these radios function in digital and analog modes, all testing is done in analog mode.

Display Test Mode
1. Press and hold Side Button 1 in RF Test Mode. The radio beeps once and momentarily displays “Display Test Mode”.

2. Upon entering Display Test Mode, the radio displays a horizontal line on row 8 (center row).

3. With each button/key press, the radio fills the screen up with 2 horizontal lines from the center row (1 line each above and below the center row) until the top and bottom of the screen (row 7-0 and row 9-16) is completely full.

4. When the screen is filled up with the horizontal lines, any button/key press clears the screen and displays vertical lines at column 0, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48, 54, 60. Any button/key press fills the screen with vertical lines, (1 line to the right of any existing line) until the display is full.

5. When the screen is filled up with the vertical lines, any button/key press clears the screen and displays the first 10 available icons on the screen. Successive button/key press displays the remaining 4 icons.