Product : Professional GM640/GM660/GM1280 Series FlashGrade Tool
Release : R02.08.00
Date : 05 Oct 2010
Language : English
The flashing performance has been reduced after new flashrom implementation,
especially for the baud rate of 19200.
- Reading Radio information
- Upgrade a radio to software version R02.08.00 and codeplug the latest
version from previous released versions. The tuning data is saved and
rewrite to radio during upgrading.
- Only official radio software release version and bands.
In this version:
R02.00.08, R02.00.13, R02.00.17, R02.00.18, R02.00.20,
R02.00.22, R02.01.00, R02.01.07, R02.01.11, R02.01.13,
R02.01.14, R02.01.16, B02.01.19, R02.02.00, R02.03.00,
R02.04.00, R02.05.03, R02.06.04, B02.06.07, R02.07.04,
R02.07.05, R02.08.00
Software is updated to version R02.08.00.
codeplug is updated from all previous versions to the latest
version (refer to the latest codeplug version information below).
- Supported model number:
Model Number Tanapa Latest Description
Number Version
M25RHC9CK1 IMUE6009A 08.00 GM640(MCX720): Mobile Pop UHF1
M25SHC9CK1 IMUE6010A 08.00 GM640(MCX720): Mobile Pop UHF2
M25KHC9CK1 IMUD6018A 08.00 GM640(MCX720): Mobile Pop VHF
M25RHF9CK5 IMUE6009A 08.00 GM660(MCX760): Mobile Pref UHF1
M25SHF9CK5 IMUE6010A 08.00 GM660(MCX760): Mobile Pref UHF2
M25KHF9CK5 IMUD6018A 08.00 GM660(MCX760): Mobile Pref VHF
M25RHN9CK8 IMUE6009A 08.00 GM1280(MCX780): Mobile Prime UHF1
M25SHN9CK8 IMUE6010A 08.00 GM1280(MCX780): Mobile Prime UHF2
M25KHN9CK8 IMUD6018A 08.00 GM1280(MCX780): Mobile Prime VHF
M25RHA9CK7 IMUE6009A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box UHF1
M25SHA9CK7 IMUE6010A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box UHF2
M25KHA9CK7 IMUD6018A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box VHF
M25RHA9CK0 IMUE6009A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box Asia UHF1
M25SHA9CK0 IMUE6010A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box UHF2
M25KHA9CK0 IMUD6018A 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box Asia UHF2
EPP Models
M25RHC9CK1 IMUE6009B 08.00 GM640(MCX720): Mobile Pop UHF1 EPP
M25KHC9CK1 IMUD6018B 08.00 GM640(MCX720): Mobile Popu VHF EPP
M25RHF9CK5 IMUE6009B 08.00 GM660(MCX760): Mobile Pref UHF1 EPP
M25KHF9CK5 IMUD6018B 08.00 GM660(MCX760): Mobile Pref VHF EPP
M25RHN9CK8 IMUE6009B 08.00 GM1280(MCX780): Mobile Prime UHF1 EPP
M25KHN9CK8 IMUD6018B 08.00 GM1280(MCX780): Mobile Prime VHF EPP
M25RHA9CK7 IMUE6009B 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box UHF1 EPP
M25KHA9CK7 IMUD6018B 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box VHF EPP
M25RHA9CK0 IMUE6009B 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box Asia UHF1 EPP
M25KHA9CK0 IMUD6018B 08.00 GM1280(MCX700): Mobile Data Box Asia VHF EPP
information may be lost after the update process therefore, it is recommended to read
the radio using the CPS, and save an archive of the radio's codeplug before starting
the update process. After the update, this archive can now be used to recover the
codeplug programming information by programming the archive back into the radio.
Ensure the radio updating process is not interrupted. Interruption will cause the
radio not to operate anymore and attempting to update the radio again will NOT be
Do NOT create a shortcut of the program (e.g. on your desktop), the program might
not be able to find the data files in that case!
Do not remove the programming cable or turn off the radio while the update is in
In case of failure during the updating, a message box will appear to guide the user
to recover from the failure, if possible.
The flashing rate can be changed only by restarting the program.
You may not run more than one copy of the program at the same time.
Baud rate 115k can only be supported by certain Radio Interface Boxes (RIB).
Use 19k baud rate when using a RIB. RKN4075A RIBless cable supports 115k baud.
Installation of the software can be completed by double clicking the setup
file "UpgradeKit_for_Mobile-R02.08.00.exe". This file will be in the
downloaded up-version kit.
For the usage of this software the following radio accessories are required:
Connect all the items using one of the following sequences:
(i) Rib-less Configuration
1. PC com port >> 9 to 25 pin converter >> Programming Cable (AARKN4081)
>> Flash Adapter (FKN8096A) >> microphone jack of the radio
2. PC USB Port >> USB cable >> USB Serial Adapter >> 9 to 25 pin converter >> Programming Cable (AARKN4081)
>> Flash Adapter (FKN8096A) >> microphone jack of the radio
Note: The Converter is not requiring if serial port is 25 pin.
(ii) For Rib Cable configuration
1. PC com port >> PC to Rib cable P/N 3080369B72 (9pin) or 3080369B71 (25pin)
>> Radio Interface Box (RLN4008E) >> Flash Adapter (FKN8096A) >> Programming cable (AARKN4083A) >>
>> rear connector of the radio
2. PC USB Port >> USB cable >> USB Serial Adapter >> PC to Rib cable P/N 3080369B72 (9pin) or 3080369B71 (25pin)
>> Radio Interface Box (RLN4008E) >> Flash Adapter (FKN8096A) >> Programming cable (AARKN4083A) >>
>> rear connector of the radio
Note : Maximum baud rate for this equipment is 19,200 Bd.
Note: Ensure the Flash Adapter switch is in the 'CPS' position.
These instructions must be followed in the exact order to work properly
1. Read through the Upgrade Kit instructions and make sure your radio meets updating
specifications. This file can be found through Start Menu >> Programs >>
Professional Radios Upgrade Kit>> Upgrade Kit R02.08.00 with CP 08.00 for Mobile Radios >> README
2. Power on the radio using a 12 vdc power supply or in an automobile. If the automobiles
ignition is on, turn off all other accessories to ensure the quietest possible environment.
Do not run the engine during this procedure.
3. Start the Upgrade Kit from the Start Menu >> Programs >> Professional Radios
Upgrade Kit>> Upgrade Kit R02.08.00 with CP 08.00 for Mobile Radios >> UpgradeKit for Mobile - R02.08.00
4. Once the Upgrade Kit screen appears, click on the 'PROGRAM' button.
5. After the tool is launched, check the the flash Baud rate from menu Options > Configuration.
The default baud rate is 19,200. Select 'OK' if you want to use the default value or you can
select a different baud rate and then click on the 'OK' button
6. A message box will appear with instructions to put the radio in the Bootstrap mode.
-Turn off the radio.
-Switch the flashing adapter into the 'Flash' mode.
-Turn the radio on and make sure the radio doesn't boot up like normal.
7. After clicking 'OK' updating should begin if the radio has been properly put in bootstrap mode.
A window will pop up initially saying "Please Wait" then the window will read "Progress" and
give you a percentage of completion. Instructions in the window will give indications to each
process of the update.
8. A window will pop up when the update is complete reading "Radio Update is successful"
9. Click 'OK' return the flashing switch to the 'CPS' position, and remove the programming & flashing
cable. Power off and on the radio to complete the process and to get the radio out of the bootstrap mode.
10. Connect another radio and repeat the process from Step 4.
If UpgradeKit will not start
1. Make sure this is an original version of the kit and not copied off another
2. Make sure another copy is not running on your computer.
If an error is returned when you select program, check the following:
1. On RIB setting menu, set 'Echo' for single-wired bootstrap. 'No Echo' is for
dual-wired bootstrap. Professional radios use single-wired bootstrap.
2. On the Comm setting menu, make sure that the port selected is the one to
which the radio is connected.
If an error is returned immediately after the radio is in bootstrap, click Ok and
switch the flash adapter to 'CPS' mode, turn the radio off, on and try again.
Release mpt_mobile-R02.08.00
Previous Release mpt_mobile-R02.07.05B
Saturday, March 5, 2011
Professional Series Mobile MPT Upgrade Kit R02.08.00
Firmware Tool,
Lab Tool,
Waris 5T Radio